20 Commercial Way
Springboro OH 45066 
Barbara Pontecorvo
Founder and Director

Advanced Levels

Ballet VI

builds self-sufficiency as a dancer, concentration in class, and musicality.  Students take six or more classes per week.  All pointe classes must be preceded by a ballet class.

Advanced Ballet

training advances to the pre-professional level, with students attending seven or more classes each week.  Classes are demanding and emphasize performance qualities.

Advanced dancers                in The Nutcracker, performed November 2022.

Progress Check

Age 12

-Can perform good consistent double pirouettes with a turned out passé.
-Uses both legs in his/her entrechat quatre and is working on entrechat six.
-Knows to try everything each teacher tells them, without debate.

Age 13+
-Can recognize the music for Mr. Balanchine’s Serenade.
-Can pick up choreography quickly and accurately.
-Loves every minute of class, rehearsal and performance
Pontecorvo Ballet Studios, LLC
20 Commercial Way
Springboro OH 45066